
This module provides a number of explicit examples for use in doctests. Additionally, functions to generate random automorphisms are provided.

Explict named examples

A list of named examples is loaded from the .aut files in the examples folder. This includes all the examples given in the paper, as well as others used to test the package. Use the following functions to load one of these examples.


Returns an iterator yielding the names of the examples that are provided with the package. (Note that the full list is provided in this documentation.)

>>> list(available_examples())[:4]
['alphabet_size_two', 'arity_four', 'arity_three_order_inf', 'bleak_alpha']

Loads the example with the given name from disk. A corresponding Automorphism instance is created and returned. The results are cached, so call this method as often as you like.


Loads a pair of examples, *name*_psi and *name*_phi.

Return type:a 2-tuple of automorphisms.

Loads (and processes) all examples provided by the package. Returns a dictionary whose keys are the example names and whose values are the loaded automorphisms.


To discourage use of this function, it is not available when importing * from thompson.examples. Instead it must be explicitly imported with from thompson.examples import load_all_examples.


Some of the examples are slow to process, so calling this could take a long time.


Produces the standard generator \(X_n\) of \(F\) as described in [CFP96]. For instance, \(X_0\) is the following:

>>> print(standard_generator())
InfiniteAut: V(2, 1) -> V(2, 1) specified by 3 generators (after expansion and reduction).
x1 a1    -> x1 a1 a1
x1 a2 a1 -> x1 a1 a2
x1 a2 a2 -> x1 a2   

For \(n > 0\) the element \(X_n\) is a Mixed automorphism, consisting of a large fixed part and a smaller part which looks like \(X_0\).

>>> from random import randint
>>> n = randint(1, 20)
>>> x_n = standard_generator(n)
>>> type(x_n)
<class 'thompson.mixed.MixedAut'>

The \(X_n\) generate \(F\); in fact just \(X_0\) and \(X_1\) are sufficient, due to the relation \(X_k^{-1} X_n X_k = X_{n+1}\) for \(k < n\). See [CFP96] for more details.

>>> x_k = standard_generator(randint(0, n-1))
>>> x_k * x_n * ~x_k == standard_generator(n+1) #operation is the other way round in Python


Add the named generators A, B, C of Thompson’s T and V. Analogues for general G_n,r?

List of named examples

Note that some automorphisms have more than one name—they will appear once in this list for every alias.


See the forest diagram and function plot.

A toy example to test that the program works in \(V_{3,2}\).


See the forest diagram and function plot.

Another example for sanity checking. This is an automorphism of \(V_{4,1}\).


See the forest diagram and function plot.

A purely infinite automorphism of \(V_{3,1}\).


See the forest diagram and function plot.

The element \(\alpha\) of \(V\) used by Bleak et al [BBG11] to illustrate their train tracks and flow graphs.


See the forest diagram and function plot.

The example in [BBG11] of an element whose centraliser contains the Klein four group \(\mathbb{Z_2 \oplus Z_2}\) as a subgroup. We have represented it as an element of \(G_{2, 8}\) rather than \(G_{2, 1}\).


See the forest diagram and function plot.

The example \(\beta\) in [BBG11] of an element generating a Klein four group as part of the centraliser of bleak_klein_alpha.


See the forest diagram and function plot.

The example \(\gamma\) in [BBG11] of an element generating a Klein four group as part of the centraliser of bleak_klein_alpha.


See the forest diagram and function plot.

An element of the commutator subgroup of F. It has one bump and two fixed intervals.


See the forest diagram and function plot.

An introductory example drawn on the board by NB. It is purely periodic of order six.


See the forest diagram and function plot.

This example is used in the paper to illustrate the meaning of a semi-normal form (Example 4.11) and of a tree pair diagram (Example 4.1).


See the forest diagram and function plot.

This example is used in the paper to illustrate the meaning of a semi-normal form. This example needs to be expanded from its minimal representation to find a semi-normal (in fact quasi-normal) form.


See the forest diagram and function plot.

This example is used to illustrate the different types of components/orbits in the paper.


See the forest diagram and function plot.

The example used in the paper to demonstrate the periodic conjugacy test.


See the forest diagram and function plot.

The example used in the paper to demonstrate the periodic conjugacy test.


See the forest diagram and function plot.

This example is used in the paper to illustrate the process of finding the quasi-normal basis.


See the forest diagram and function plot.

The example used in the paper to demonstrate the infinite conjugacy test.


See the forest diagram and function plot.

This example is used to demonstrate how we can break down an automorphism into its free_factors().


See the forest diagram and function plot.

This example is used in the paper to illustrate the definition of cycle types.


See the forest diagram and function plot.

Example 6.2 of the paper, used to illustrate lemma 6.1.


See the forest diagram and function plot.

A purely infinite automorphism which illustrates the bounds \(\hat a, \hat b\) for power conjugacy.


See the forest diagram and function plot.

An element of \(F\) whose fixed point set is exactly \(\{ 0, 1/3, 2/3, 1\}\).


See the forest diagram and function plot.

The example of a pond orbit we found by a random search. Its banks are \(x\alpha_1^4\alpha_2\) and \(x\alpha_1\alpha_2^2\).


See the forest diagram and function plot.

The element which was conjugate to first_pond_example_phi.


See the forest diagram and function plot.

I think this automorphism has 4 minimal revealing pairs. It has an orbit of characteristic (-4, a1^4) spread apart over four components of \(A \setminus B\). Brin’s algorithm would have you add three of these components to the tree, and I think the component you DON’T add is the one that determines the revealing pair.


See the forest diagram and function plot.

An example used to debug the infinite conjugacy test.


See the forest diagram and function plot.

An example used to debug the infinite conjugacy test.


See the forest diagram and function plot.

An example of mixed power conjugacy found by random search. Should have \(\psi^{-4} \sim \phi^2\).


See the forest diagram and function plot.

An example of mixed power conjugacy found by random search. Should have \(\psi^{-4} \sim \phi^2\).


See the forest diagram and function plot.

An element of \(T\) with rotation number \(1/2\). The square of this element acts like \(x_0^2\) on the first and third quarters, and acts like the identity elsewhere. Thus it has two periodic flow lines and two pointwise periodic lines. The same is true of the square of mixed_plines_2, but even though it does not act as the identity on the second and fourth quarters.


See the forest diagram and function plot.

An element of \(T\) with rotation number \(1/2\) and no fixed intervals. The square of this element acts like \(x_0^2\) on the first and third quarters, and acts like the identity elsewhere. Thus it has two periodic flow lines and two pointwise periodic lines. The same is true of the square of mixed_plines, which acts as the identity on the second and fourth quarters.


See the forest diagram and function plot.

A purely infinite automorphism for which there are two equivalence classes defined on X.


See the forest diagram and function plot.

A purely infinite automorphism for which there are two equivalence classes defined on X. It was more straightforward to see that this automorphism had two equivalence classes.


See the forest diagram and function plot.

One of Nathan’s examples. This is almost, but not quite conjugate to nathan_pond_example. Nathan had this to say: “I untwisted one of the infinite orbits after a conjugation and so they definitely should not be conjugate.”


See the forest diagram and function plot.

Nathan’s example of an automorphism containing a pond. This has a simpler tree pair than first_pond_example_phi.


See the forest diagram and function plot.

An example from section 3.6 of [SD10]. This is an automorphism \(f \in G_{2,1}\) for which there is no minimal revealing pair from which every other revaling pair can be obtained via rollings.


See the forest diagram and function plot.

In their paper introducing strand diagrams, Belk and Matucci provide an example of an element of \(F\) which has a non-dyadic fixed point. This is a slight simplification of that example.


See the forest diagram and function plot.

A purely infinite automorphism for which - The minimal representation does NOT correspond to a revealing pair; and - The quasinormal basis does NOT correspond to a revealing pair.


See the forest diagram and function plot.

An example of an element which isn’t conjugate to not_conjugate_g, even though it comes quite close to being so!


See the forest diagram and function plot.

An element which is not conjugate to not_conjugate_f, even though it comes quite close to being so!


See the forest diagram and function plot.

An automorphism described in example 5 of [SD10]. Nathan had this to say: “olga_f is conjugate to olga_g, via a rho that can be found using your program or olga_h. Note that characteristics are not the same for two of the semi-infinite orbits.


See the forest diagram and function plot.

An automorphism described in example 5 of [SD10]. Nathan had this to say: “olga_f is conjugate to olga_g, via a rho that can be found using your program or olga_h. Note that characteristics are not the same for two of the semi-infinite orbits.


See the forest diagram and function plot.

An automorphism described in example 5 of [SD10]. The paper claims that olga_f and olga_gdash are not conjugate.


See the forest diagram and function plot.

An automorphism described in example 5 of [SD10]. Nathan had this to say: “olga_f is conjugate to olga_g, via a rho that can be found using your program or olga_h. Note that characteristics are not the same for two of the semi-infinite orbits.


See the forest diagram and function plot.

This purely periodic automorphism (again found by random search) has a quasinormal basis of size 206.


See the forest diagram and function plot.

This purely periodic automorphism (again found by random search) has a quasinormal basis of size 344.


See the forest diagram and function plot.

An example found by random search of a pond orbit of width 4. Prior to this we had only seen ponds of width 1 or 2.


See the forest diagram and function plot.

The square of this automorphism appears to have a QNB above the QNB of the original automorphism.


See the forest diagram and function plot.

An non-periodic element of T_{2,3} which should have rotation number 1/3.


See the forest diagram and function plot.

The element alpha in the appendix of [Scott] which generates a free group of rank 2 with beta, also from the appendix.


See the forest diagram and function plot.

The element beta in the appendix of [Scott] which generates a free group of rank 2 with alpha, also from the appendix.


See the forest diagram and function plot.

An example of an automorphism whose quasi-normal basis \(X\) contains an element \(x\alpha_2\alpha_1\) which belongs to a semi-infinite \(X\)-component which is not characteristic.


See the forest diagram and function plot.

This is the element C used by Cannon, Floyd and Parry to generate Thompson’s group T.


See the forest diagram and function plot.

This element of T has only two fixed points: 1/3 and 2/3; note that these are non dyadic!


See the forest diagram and function plot.

An example which found a bug in the infinite conjugacy test. This automorphism contains two flow components which are identical in all but their location.


See the forest diagram and function plot.

An example which found a bug in the infinite conjugacy test. This automorphism is a conjugated version of two_flow_components_d.


See the forest diagram and function plot.

This is the generator \(\pi_0\) used by Cannon, Floyd and Parry to generate V.


See the forest diagram and function plot.

A short example used to test the is_revealing method

Randomly generated examples



Randomly generates a Signature \((n, r)\) for use in the functions below. The values of \(n\) and \(r\) are chosen (uniformly) at random from \(n \in \{2, 3, 4\}\) and \(r \in \{1, 2, 3, 4, 5\}\), respectively.


This function is used to select a random signature when no signature argument is provided to the following random functions.


Randomly generates a simple Word belonging to the algebra with the given signature. The word consists of an \(x_i\) followed by 0–15 descendant operators \(\alpha_j\). The length and the index of each \(\alpha_j\) is chosen (uniformly) at random.

>>> random_simple_word().is_simple()
thompson.examples.random_basis(signature=None, num_expansions=None, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Randomly generates a basis for the algebra with the given signature \((n,r)\). The basis is generated by expanding the standard_basis() num_expansions times. The expansion point is chosen (uniformly) at random each time. If num_expansions is not provided, a value from \(\{1, 2, 3, 4, 5\}\) is chosen (uniformly) at random.

>>> random_basis().is_basis()

The cls argument specifies which class the generated basis should have; this should be a subclass of Generators. At the moment, this is only used internally and experimentally.


This does not generate bases uniformly at random. For instance, take \(V_{n,r} = V_{2,1}\) and let num_expansions = 3. The first expansion always gives the basis \([x\alpha_1, x\alpha_2]\). Expanding this twice produces give six bases, one of which appears twice. (To see this, enumerate the rooted binary trees with four leaves.)


thompson.examples.random_automorphism(signature=None, num_expansions=None, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Randomly generates an automorphism for the algebra with the given signature. Two bases domain and range are generated by random_basis(). Then the range is manipulated according to the group we’re interesting in. For group == 'V', we randomly shuffle the range; for group == 'T', we cyclicly permute the range; for group == 'F' we do nothing.

>>> random_automorphism(group='T').cycles_order()
>>> random_automorphism(group='F').preserves_order()

An automorphism is returned which maps the elements of domain to those of range in whichever order results.


The bases may be reduced when the automorphism is created (if they contain redundancy).

thompson.examples.random_periodic_automorphism(signature=None, num_expansions=None, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Randomly generates an automorphism for the algebra with the given signature. A basis domain is generated by random_basis(). A copy range is made of domain, and is then randomly shuffled. An automorphism is returned which maps the elements of domain to those of range in order.


The bases may be reduced when the automorphism is created (if they contain redundancy.

thompson.examples.random_infinite_automorphism(signature=None, num_expansions=None, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Randomly generates an infinite automorphism—either by chance, or by extracting an infinite free_factor().


The implementation is inefficient: just make auts at random until you find an infinite one. Fix this!

thompson.examples.random_conjugate_pair(signature=None, num_expansions=None, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Calls random_automorphism() to create two automorphisms \(\psi\) and \(\rho\). Returns the pair \((\psi, \rho^{-1}\psi\rho)\), which are conjugate by definition.

thompson.examples.random_conjugate_periodic_pair(signature=None, num_expansions=None, *args, **kwargs)[source]

The same as random_conjugate_pair(), except \(\psi\) is chosen to be a random_periodic_automorphism().

thompson.examples.random_conjugate_infinite_pair(signature=None, num_expansions=None, *args, **kwargs)[source]

The same as random_conjugate_pair(), except \(\psi\) is chosen to be a random_infinite_automorphism().

thompson.examples.random_power_conjugate_pair(signature=None, num_expansions=None, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Generates \(\psi, \rho\) using random_automorphism() and random powers \(a, b\). Returns the tuple \((\Psi, \Phi) = (\psi^b, \rho^{-1}\psi^a\rho)\). Note that \(\Psi^a\) is conjugate to \(\Phi^b\) via \(\rho\).