Source code for thompson.examples

"""This module provides a number of explicit examples for use in doctests. Additionally, functions to generate random automorphisms are provided.

.. testsetup::
	from thompson.examples import *

import os.path
import pkg_resources
import string
from itertools import chain

from ..automorphism import Automorphism
from ..generators   import Generators
from ..word         import Word
from .              import random
from .random        import *

__all__ = random.__all__ + ['available_examples', 'show_examples', 'load_example', 'load_example_pair', 'standard_generator']

#TODO. Allow powers in the definition of words e.g. a1^4?

cache = {}
aliases = None

[docs]def load_example(name): """Loads the example with the given *name* from disk. A corresponding :class:`~thompson.automorphism.Automorphism` instance is created and returned. The results are cached, so call this method as often as you like.""" try: return cache[name] except KeyError: pass if aliases is None: retreive_aliases() try: alt = aliases[name] except KeyError: path = pkg_resources.resource_filename("thompson.examples", name + '.aut') aut = Automorphism.from_file(path) cache[name] = aut else: cache[name] = aut = load_example(alt) return aut
def retreive_aliases(): global aliases aliases = dict() remove_whitespace = str.maketrans('', '', string.whitespace) path = pkg_resources.resource_filename("thompson.examples", "aliases.txt") with open(path, encoding='utf-8') as f: for line in f: alias, name = line.translate(remove_whitespace).split('=') aliases[alias] = name
[docs]def load_example_pair(name): """Loads a pair of examples, ``*name*_psi`` and ``*name*_phi``. :rtype: a 2-tuple of automorphisms. """ return load_example(name + '_psi'), load_example(name + '_phi')
[docs]def available_examples(): """Returns an iterator yielding the names of the examples that are provided with the package. (Note that :ref:`the full list is provided <examples-table>` in this documentation.) >>> list(available_examples())[:4] ['alphabet_size_two', 'arity_four', 'arity_three_order_inf', 'bleak_alpha'] """ files = pkg_resources.resource_listdir("thompson", "examples") for filename in sorted(files): name, ext = os.path.splitext(filename) if ext.lower() == '.aut': yield name
def show_examples(): """Prints the list of :func:`available_examples`. This is intended for use when interacting with the interpreter.""" for i, name in enumerate(available_examples()): print("{:>3}: {}".format(i+1, name))
[docs]def load_all_examples(): """Loads (and processes) **all** examples provided by the package. Returns a dictionary whose keys are the example names and whose values are the loaded automorphisms. .. note:: To discourage use of this function, it is not available when importing ``*`` from ``thompson.examples``. Instead it must be explicitly imported with ``from thompson.examples import load_all_examples``. .. warning:: Some of the examples are slow to process, so calling this could take a long time. """ retreive_aliases() for key in chain(available_examples(), aliases): load_example(key) return cache
[docs]def standard_generator(n=0): """Produces the standard generator :math:`X_n` of :math:`F` as described in [CFP96]_. For instance, :math:`X_0` is the following: >>> print(standard_generator()) InfiniteAut: V(2, 1) -> V(2, 1) specified by 3 generators (after expansion and reduction). x1 a1 -> x1 a1 a1 x1 a2 a1 -> x1 a1 a2 x1 a2 a2 -> x1 a2 For :math:`n > 0` the element :math:`X_n` is a :class:`Mixed automorphism <thompson.mixed.MixedAut>`, consisting of a large fixed part and a smaller part which looks like :math:`X_0`. >>> from random import randint >>> n = randint(1, 20) >>> x_n = standard_generator(n) >>> type(x_n) <class 'thompson.mixed.MixedAut'> The :math:`X_n` generate :math:`F`; in fact just :math:`X_0` and :math:`X_1` are sufficient, due to the relation :math:`X_k^{-1} X_n X_k = X_{n+1}` for :math:`k < n`. See [CFP96]_ for more details. >>> x_k = standard_generator(randint(0, n-1)) >>> x_k * x_n * ~x_k == standard_generator(n+1) #operation is the other way round in Python True """ domain_basis = Generators((2, 1)) path = Word('x', (2, 1)) for i in range(n): domain_basis.append(path.alpha(1)) path = path.alpha(2) #At this stage, domain_basis is equal to the intersection of domain and range range_basis = domain_basis.copy() domain_basis.append(path.alpha(1)) domain_basis.append(path.extend('a2 a1')) domain_basis.append(path.extend('a2 a2')) range_basis.append(path.extend('a1 a1')) range_basis.append(path.extend('a1 a2')) range_basis.append(path.alpha(2)) return Automorphism(domain_basis, range_basis)