Source code for thompson.mixed

.. testsetup::
	from thompson               import word
	from thompson.number_theory import gcd
	from thompson.word          import Word, Signature, from_string, free_monoid_on_alphas
	from thompson.generators    import Generators
	from thompson.mixed         import *
	from thompson.examples      import *

__all__ = ["MixedAut"]

from copy import copy
from itertools import product, chain

from .number_theory import solve_linear_congruence, lcm
from .word          import *
from .generators    import *
from .homomorphism  import Homomorphism
from .automorphism  import Automorphism
from .orbits        import *

def modulo_non_zero(x, n):
	r"""Returns the unique integer :math:`s` such that :math:`1 \le s \le n` and :math:`s \equiv x \pmod{n}`.
		>>> [modulo_non_zero(x, 10) for x in range(20)]
		[10, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
	x %= n
	if x == 0:
		return n
	return x

[docs]class MixedAut(Automorphism): #Extracting free factors
[docs] def free_factors(self): """In principle, an automorphism can be decomposed into free factors using any partition of the :meth:`quasi-normal basis <thompson.automorphism.Automorphism.compute_quasinormal_basis>` :math:`X = X_1 \sqcup X_2`. The decomposition :math:`X = X_P \sqcup X_I` is particularly interesting since these sets generate :math:`\psi`-invariant subalgebras, which means that a conjugator can be reassembled from conjugators of the factors. .. seealso:: This jargon comes from Theorem :paperref:`decomp`. This is a convenience method which produces the free factors :math:`\psi_P` and :math:`\psi_I` from :math:`\psi`. """ p, i = self._partition_basis(self.quasinormal_basis) p_factor = self.free_factor(p) i_factor = self.free_factor(i) return p_factor, i_factor
def _partition_basis(self, basis): r"""Let the current automorphism be in semi-normal form with respect to the given *basis*. This method places the elements of *basis* into two lists *(periodic, infinite)* depending on their orbit type. :returns: the pair *(periodic, infinite)*. Both entries are sets of :class:`~thompson.generators.Generators`. .. doctest:: >>> example_4_5 = load_example('example_4_5') >>> example_5_3 = load_example('example_5_3') >>> basis = example_4_5.quasinormal_basis >>> print(*example_4_5._partition_basis(basis), sep='\n') [x1 a2 a1, x1 a2 a2] [x1 a1 a1, x1 a1 a2] >>> basis = example_5_3.quasinormal_basis >>> print(*example_5_3._partition_basis(basis), sep='\n') [x1 a1 a2 a1, x1 a1 a2 a2] [x1 a1 a1 a1, x1 a1 a1 a2, x1 a2 a1, x1 a2 a2] >>> basis = example_5_3.quasinormal_basis >>> basis = basis.minimal_expansion_for(example_5_3) >>> print(*example_5_3._partition_basis(basis), sep='\n') [x1 a1 a2 a1, x1 a1 a2 a2] [x1 a1 a1 a1 a1, x1 a1 a1 a1 a2, x1 a1 a1 a2, x1 a2 a1, x1 a2 a2 a1, x1 a2 a2 a2] """ periodic = Generators(self.signature) infinite = Generators(self.signature) for gen in basis: type, _, _ = self.orbit_type(gen, basis) if type.is_incomplete(): raise ValueError('MixedAut is not in semi-normal form with respect to the given basis.') elif type.is_type_A(): periodic.append(gen) else: infinite.append(gen) return periodic, infinite
[docs] def free_factor(self, generators): r"""This method restricts the current automorphism to the subalgebra generated by the given set :math:`W` of *generators*. This is then transformed into an automorphism of an isomorphic algebra with minimal alphabet size :math:`1 \le s \le n-1`. .. math:: &G_{n, r} &\to &G_{n, |W|} &\to &G_{n, s} \\ &\phi &\mapsto &\phi|_{W\langle A\rangle\langle\lambda\rangle} &\mapsto &\phi\,' :returns: The transformed automorphism :math:`\phi\, \in G_{n, s}`. Its type is :class:`~thompson.periodic.PeriodicAut` or :class:`~thompson.infinite.InfiniteAut` as appropriate. :raises ValueError: if an empty list of *generators* is provided. .. doctest:: :hide: >>> example_5_3 = load_example('example_5_3') >>> qnb = example_5_3.quasinormal_basis >>> p, i = example_5_3._partition_basis(qnb) >>> print(example_5_3.free_factor(p)) PeriodicAut: V(2, 1) -> V(2, 1) specified by 2 generators (after expansion and reduction). This automorphism was derived from a parent automorphism. 'x' and 'y' represent root words of the parent and current derived algebra, respectively. x1 a1 a2 a1 ~> y1 a1 => y1 a2 ~> x1 a1 a2 a2 x1 a1 a2 a2 ~> y1 a2 => y1 a1 ~> x1 a1 a2 a1 .. doctest:: >>> phi = load_example('alphabet_size_two') >>> qnb = phi.quasinormal_basis >>> p, i = phi._partition_basis(qnb) >>> print(phi.free_factor(p)) PeriodicAut: V(3, 1) -> V(3, 1) specified by 1 generators (after expansion and reduction). This automorphism was derived from a parent automorphism. 'x' and 'y' represent root words of the parent and current derived algebra, respectively. x1 a1 ~> y1 => y1 ~> x1 a1 >>> print(phi.free_factor(i)) InfiniteAut: V(3, 1) -> V(3, 1) specified by 5 generators (after expansion and reduction). This automorphism was derived from a parent automorphism. 'x' and 'y' represent root words of the parent and current derived algebra, respectively. x1 a2 ~> y1 a1 => y1 a1 a3 ~> x1 a2 a3 x1 a3 ~> y1 a2 => y1 a3 ~> x2 x2 a1 ~> y1 a3 a1 => y1 a2 ~> x1 a3 x2 a2 ~> y1 a3 a2 => y1 a1 a2 ~> x1 a2 a2 x2 a3 ~> y1 a3 a3 => y1 a1 a1 ~> x1 a2 a1 """ if len(generators) == 0: raise ValueError('Must provide at least one generator.') #1. Decide how to relabel *generators* as elements of V_n,s modulus = self.signature.arity - 1 alphabet_size = modulo_non_zero(len(generators), modulus) generators_relabelled = Generators.standard_basis((self.signature.arity, alphabet_size)) generators_relabelled.expand_to_size(len(generators)) #2. Relabel the domain and range domain = generators.minimal_expansion_for(self) range = self.image_of_set(domain) rewrite_set(domain, generators, generators_relabelled) rewrite_set(range, generators, generators_relabelled) #Make sure we can undo the relabelling inverse_relabeller = Homomorphism(generators_relabelled, generators, reduce=False) #3. Return the factor factor = Automorphism(domain, range, reduce=False) factor.add_relabellers(inverse_relabeller, inverse_relabeller) #TODO We know a priori what the quasi-normal basis is. We could pass this info on to the factor? #TODO Would also be able to relabel type b data for bi-infinite orbit types return factor
def _combine_factors(self, periodic, infinite): #TODO: doctest and docstring if periodic is None: p_domain = p_range = Generators(self.signature) else: p_domain, p_range = periodic.relabel() if infinite is None: i_domain = i_range = Generators(self.signature) else: i_domain, i_range = infinite.relabel() assert p_domain.signature == p_range.signature == i_domain.signature == i_range.signature == self.signature domain = p_domain + i_domain range = p_range + i_range domain = Generators(self.signature, domain) range = Generators(self.signature, range) return MixedAut(domain, range) #Testing conjugacy
[docs] def test_conjugate_to(self, other): r"""Determines if the current automorphism :math:`\psi` is conjugate to the *other* automorphism :math:`\phi`. :returns: if it exists, a conjugating element :math:`\rho` such that :math:`\rho^{-1}\psi\rho = \phi`. If no such :math:`\rho` exists, returns ``None``. :raises ValueError: if the automorphisms have different arities or alphabet sizes. .. doctest:: >>> psi, phi = random_conjugate_pair() >>> rho = psi.test_conjugate_to(phi) >>> rho is not None True >>> psi * rho == rho * phi True >>> psi, phi = load_example_pair('first_pond_example') >>> rho = psi.test_conjugate_to(phi) >>> rho is not None True >>> psi * rho == rho * phi True .. seealso:: This is an implementation of Algorithm :paperref:`conjAlgorithm` in the paper. It depends on Algorithms :paperref:`alg:periodic` and :paperref:`alg:reginf`; these are the :meth:`periodic <thompson.periodic.PeriodicAut.test_conjugate_to>` and :meth:`infinite <thompson.infinite.InfiniteAut.test_conjugate_to>` tests for conjugacy. """ if not isinstance(other, MixedAut): return None #TODO Doctest: try assembling a conjugator from factors #0. Check that both automorphisms belong to the same G_{n,r}. if self.signature != other.signature: raise ValueError('Signatures {} and {} do not match.'.format( self.signature, other.signature)) #1. Before going any further, check that the number of periodic and infinite elements are compatible. sizes_okay = self._check_parition_sizes(other) if not sizes_okay: return None s_p, s_i = self.free_factors() o_p, o_i = other.free_factors() rho_p = s_p.test_conjugate_to(o_p) if rho_p is None: return None rho_i = s_i.test_conjugate_to(o_i) if rho_i is None: return None #Step 6. If we've got this far, we have a periodic/infinite mixture. #Combine the rewritten conjugators into one conjugator in G_n,r return self._combine_factors(rho_p, rho_i)
def _check_parition_sizes(self, other): r"""Checks the sizes of a partition of two quasinormal bases to see if they might possibly describe conjugate automorphisms. :returns: None if we discover conjugacy is impossible. Otherwise, returns a pair of booleans *(pure_periodic, pure_infinite)*. Note that even if such a pair is returned, we do **not** know for certain that conjugacy is possible. """ s_qnf_p, s_qnf_i = self._partition_basis(self.quasinormal_basis) o_qnf_p, o_qnf_i = other._partition_basis(other.quasinormal_basis) #Check that the lengths match up modulo n-1. modulus = self.signature.arity - 1 size_check = (len(s_qnf_p) % modulus == len(o_qnf_p) % modulus and len(s_qnf_i) % modulus == len(o_qnf_i) % modulus) return size_check #Power conjugacy
[docs] def find_power_conjugators(self, other, cheat=False): r"""Determines if some power of the current automorphism :math:`\psi` is conjugate to some power of the *other* automorphism :math:`\phi`. This method exhaustively searches for all minimal solutions :math:`(a, b, \rho)` such that :math:`\rho^{-1}\psi^a\rho = \phi^b`. This method returns a generator which yields such minimal solutions. .. warning:: If the :meth:`~thompson.infinite.InfiniteAut.power_conjugacy_bounds` are reasonable large (say > 30), this method could potentially take a long time! :param cheat: (internal) for speeding up testing. :raises ValueError: if the automorphisms have different arities or alphabet sizes. .. seealso:: This is an implementation of Algorithm :paperref:`powerconjAlgorithm` in the paper. It depends on Algorithms :paperref:`conjAlgorithm` (the :meth:`conjugacy test <test_conjugate_to>`) and :paperref:`alg:pcRI` (the :meth:`infinite power conjugate test <thompson.infinite.InfiniteAut.test_power_conjugate_to>`.) """ #0. Check that both automorphisms belong to the same G_{n,r}. if self.signature != other.signature: raise ValueError('MixedAut\'s signatures {} and {} do not match.'.format( self.signature, other.signature)) #1. Before going any further, check that the number of periodic and infinite elements are compatible. sizes_okay = self._check_parition_sizes(other) if not sizes_okay: return None s_p, s_i = self.free_factors() o_p, o_i = other.free_factors() #3. Infinite minimal solns. infinite_conjugators = list(s_i.find_power_conjugators(o_i, cheat=cheat)) if len(infinite_conjugators) == 0: return None #2. Periodic minimal solns. periodic_conjugators = list(s_p.find_power_conjugators(o_p, identity_permitted=True, cheat=cheat)) assert len(periodic_conjugators) > 0 #5. Try to recombine. for alpha, beta, rho_i in infinite_conjugators: for c, d, rho_p in periodic_conjugators: solns = solve_linear_congruence(alpha, c, s_p.order) & solve_linear_congruence(beta, d, o_p.order) if not solns.is_empty(): soln = solns.base if soln == 0: soln = solns.increment rho = self._combine_factors(rho_p, rho_i) yield alpha*soln, beta*soln, rho
[docs] def test_power_conjugate_to(self, other, cheat=False): r"""Determines if some power of the current automorphism :math:`\psi` is conjugate to some power of the *other* automorphism :math:`\phi`. This method searches for a **single** minimal solution :math:`(a, b, \rho)` such that :math:`\rho^{-1}\psi^a\rho = \phi^b`. If no such solution exists, returns None. .. warning:: If the :meth:`~thompson.infinite.InfiniteAut.power_conjugacy_bounds` are reasonable large (say > 30), this method could potentially take a long time! :param cheat: (internal) for speeding up testing. :raises ValueError: if the automorphisms have different arities or alphabet sizes. >>> psi, phi = load_example_pair('mixed_pconj') >>> a, b, rho = psi.test_power_conjugate_to(phi) >>> a, b (6, 3) >>> psi**a * rho == rho * phi ** b True .. seealso:: This is an implementation of Algorithm :paperref:`powerconjAlgorithm` in the paper. It depends on Algorithms :paperref:`conjAlgorithm` (the :meth:`conjugacy test <test_conjugate_to>`) and :paperref:`alg:pcRI` (the :meth:`infinite power conjugate test <thompson.infinite.InfiniteAut.test_power_conjugate_to>`.) """ #0. Check that both automorphisms belong to the same G_{n,r}. if self.signature != other.signature: raise ValueError('MixedAut\'s signatures {} and {} do not match.'.format( self.signature, other.signature)) #1. Before going any further, check that the number of periodic and infinite elements are compatible. sizes_okay = self._check_parition_sizes(other) if not sizes_okay: return None s_p, s_i = self.free_factors() o_p, o_i = other.free_factors() result = s_i.test_power_conjugate_to(o_i) if result is None: return None a, b, rho_i = result ell = lcm(s_p.order, o_p.order) rho_p = (s_p ** ell).test_conjugate_to(o_p ** ell) return a*ell, b*ell, self._combine_factors(rho_p, rho_i)