Source code for thompson.drawing

.. testsetup::

	from thompson.drawing import *

from .plot       import plot as plot_svg
from .forest     import forest_code
from .flow_graph import flow_graph_code

from subprocess import call, check_call
from tempfile   import mkstemp, mkdtemp

from io import StringIO
import os
import shutil
import sys

__all__ = ["display_file", "forest", "forest_code", "plot", "flow"]

[docs]def display_file(filepath, format=None, scale=1.0, verbose=False): """Display the image at *filepath* to the user. This function behaves differently, depending on whether or not we execute it in a Jupyter notebook. If we are **not** in a notebook, this function opens the given image using the operating system's default application for that file. If we **are** in a notebook, this returns an IPython object corresponding to the given image. If this object is the last expression of a notebook code block, the image will be displayed. The image is handled differently depending on its *format*, which must be specified when the function is called in a notebook. Only the formats `'svg'` and `'pdf'` are accepted. .. note:: PDF files are displayed in a notebook as a rendered PNG. The conversion is made using the ``convert`` program provided by `ImageMagick <>`_, which must be available on the `PATH <>`_ for this function to work with PDF files. The optional *scale* argument can be used to control how big the rendered PNG is. .. todo:: use a Python binding to ImageMagick rather than just shelling out? """ if in_ipynb(): print(filepath) from IPython.display import Image, SVG format = format.lower() if format == 'svg': return SVG(filename=filepath) elif format == 'png': return Image(filename=filepath) elif format == 'pdf': png_file = filepath[:-4] + '.png' check_call(['convert', '-density', str(100*scale), filepath, '-quality','90', png_file ]) return Image(filename=png_file) else: raise NotImplementedError( "Don't know how to display format {}".format(format) ) """From Opens the given file with the OS's default application.""" if sys.platform.startswith('darwin'): call(('open', filepath)) elif == 'nt': os.startfile(filepath) elif == 'posix': call(('xdg-open', filepath)) else: raise NotImplementedError return filepath
[docs]def plot(*auts, dest=None, display=True, diagonal=False, endpoints=False, scale=1): r"""Plots the given :class:`automorphism <thompson.automorphism.Automorphism>` s as a function :math:`[0, 1] \to [0, 1]`. The image is rendered as an SVG using `svgwrite`. :param str dest: the destination filepath to save the SVG to. If `None`, the SVG is saved to a temporary file location. :param bool display: if True, automatically call :func:`display_file` to display the SVG to the user. Otherwise does nothing. :param bool diagonal: if True, draws the diagonal to highlight fixed points of *aut*. :param bool endpoints: if True, open and closed endpoints are drawn on the plot to emphasise any discontinuities that *aut* has. :returns: the filepath where the SVG was saved. If *dest* is `None` this is a temporary file; otherwise the return value is simply *dest*. """ if dest is None: #Write to a temporary file dest = mkstemp()[1] plot_svg(*auts, filename=dest, diagonal=diagonal, endpoints=endpoints, display_scale=scale) if display: return display_file(dest, format='svg') return dest
[docs]def forest(aut, jobname=None, display=True, scale=1, **kwargs): r"""Draws the given :class:`~thompson.automorphism.Automorphism` as a forest-pair diagram. The image is rendered as a PDF using the `tikz` graph drawing libraries and `lualatex`. :param str jobname: the destination filepath to save the PDF to. A file extension should **not** be provided. If `None`, the PDF is saved to a temporary file location. :param bool display: if True, automatically call :func:`display_file` to display the PDF to the user. Otherwise does nothing. :param float scale: In a Jupyter notebook, this controls the size of the rendered PNG image. See the note in :func:`display_file`. :returns: the filepath where the PDF was saved. If *dest* is `None` this is a temporary file; otherwise the return value is simply `jobname + '.pdf'`. .. note:: The graph drawing is done via a TikZ and LaTeX. The source file is compiled using `lualatex`, which must be available on the `PATH <>`_ for this function to work. """ outdir = mkdtemp() specific_location = jobname is not None if not specific_location: jobname = 'forest_diagram' else: destdir = os.path.dirname(jobname) jobname = os.path.basename(jobname) tex = os.path.join(outdir, jobname + '.tex') pdf = os.path.join(outdir, jobname + '.pdf') with open(tex, 'wt') as texfile: texfile.write(forest_code(aut, **kwargs)) check_call(['lualatex', '-output-directory=' + outdir, '-interaction=batchmode', '--halt-on-error', tex ]) if specific_location: new_pdf = os.path.join(destdir, jobname + '.pdf') shutil.copy(pdf, new_pdf) pdf = new_pdf if display: return display_file(pdf, format='pdf', scale=scale) return pdf
def forest_plain(aut, **overrides): """The same as :func:`forest_code`, but this is a custom version for my own use. It passes in arguments to produce minimal TikZ code only.""" options = dict( include_styles = False, standalone = False, draw_revealing = False, LTR = True ) options.update(overrides) return forest_code(aut, **options) def in_ipynb(): """From a comment on Stack overflow:""" try: ipy = get_ipython() except NameError: return False else: return type(ipy).__name__ == 'ZMQInteractiveShell'
[docs]def flow(aut, jobname=None, display=True): if jobname is None: outdir = mkdtemp() jobname = 'flow_graph' else: outdir = os.path.basename(jobname) dot = os.path.join(outdir, jobname + ".dot") png = os.path.join(outdir, jobname + ".png") flow_graph_code(aut, dot) check_call([ 'dot', '-T', 'png', '-o', png, dot ]) if display: return display_file(png, format='png') return png