Source code for thompson.cantorsubset

.. testsetup::

	from thompson.cantorsubset    import *
	from thompson.examples.random import random_basis, random_generators
	from thompson.word            import Word
	import random

from .word       import Word, format_cantor, lambda_arguments
from .generators import Generators

__all__ = ["CantorSubset", "detailed_comparison"]

[docs]class CantorSubset(Generators): r"""A subclass of :class:`~thompson.generators.Generators` specifically designed to represent an open subset of the Cantor set :math:`\mathcal C`. We store this as a (typically sorted) list of :class:`~thompson.generators.Generators` :math:`u_1, \dots, u_n`. This stands for the set of all points :math:`u_i\Gamma` where :math:`\Gamma \in \{0,1\}^{\mathbb N}`. """
[docs] def is_entire_Cantor_set(self): self.simplify() return self == CantorSubset.standard_basis(self.signature)
[docs] def is_empty(self): return len(self) == 0
[docs] def status(self): #should really be an enumeration if self.is_empty(): return -1 elif self.is_entire_Cantor_set(): return 1 else: return 0
[docs] def contract(self): r"""Contracts the current generating set as much as possible (without using words involving a :math:`\lambda`). The set should be sorted before using this method. >>> basis = random_basis(cls=CantorSubset) >>> basis.contract() >>> basis == CantorSubset.standard_basis(basis.signature) True >>> basis = CantorSubset((2,1), '01011 01010'.split()) >>> basis.contract() >>> print(basis) [0101] """ arity = self.signature.arity index = 0 while index <= len(self) - arity: this = self[index] L = len(this) parent = Word(this[:L-1], self.signature, preprocess=False) #can we contract this and the next (arity-1) elements? if ( all( len(self[index+i]) == L > 1 for i in range(1, arity) ) and all( self[index+i][:L-1] == parent for i in range(1, arity) ) ): self[index:index+arity] = [parent] index += 1 #Maybe we can contract the thing we've just contracted with something previous that we couldn't contract before. #If parent ends in alpha n, we need to go back n-1 steps. if len(parent) > 1: #Last symbol is an alpha_n, stored as -n #Already gone forward one, so we go back by n steps. index = max(0, index + parent[-1]) else: index += 1
[docs] def simplify(self): r"""Simplifies the current Cantor subset to a normal form. We do this in three steps. Firstly we expand any :meth:`nonsimple Words <thompson.word.Word.is_simple>`. Second, we :meth:`contract` as much as possible (without using words involving a :math:`\lambda`). Last, we check to see if the set contains any pairs :math:`u, u\Gamma` and remove the latter. >>> X = CantorSubset((2,1), "0 11 10 00 111 1101 11110".split()) >>> X.simplify(); print(X) [<entire Cantor set>] >>> X = CantorSubset((2,1), ["1"]) >>> X.simplify(); print(X) [1] """ self.expand_away_lambdas() self.sort() index = 0 while index < len(self) - 1: word = self[index] next_index = index + 1 while next_index < len(self): next = self[next_index] if next[:len(word)] == word: next_index += 1 else: break del self[ index+1:next_index ] index += 1 self.contract()
[docs] def __str__(self): r"""We use a notation introduced to us by Bleak: square brackets around a word stand for "the Cantor set underneath" its argument. We use the :func:`~thompson.word.format_cantor` function to display the elements of the generating set. >>> print(CantorSubset((2, 1))) [] >>> print(CantorSubset((2, 1), ["x"])) [<entire Cantor set>] >>> print(CantorSubset((2, 1), ["x a1"])) [0] >>> S = CantorSubset((2, 1), ["x a1", "x a1 a1", "x a2 a1 a1", "x a2 a1 a2"]) >>> print(S) [0, 00, 100, 101] >>> S.simplify(); print(S) [0, 10] """ return "[" + ", ".join( format_cantor(word, subset=True) for word in self ) + "]"
[docs] def __and__(self, other): r"""Computes the intersection of Cantor subsets. We assume the list of words is sorted before calling this function. >>> A = CantorSubset((2, 1), ["00"]) >>> B = CantorSubset((2, 1), "01 111".split()) >>> C = A & B >>> print(A, B, C) [00] [01, 111] [] >>> D = CantorSubset((2, 1), ["11"]) >>> print(D, B, D & B) [11] [01, 111] [111] """ if not isinstance(other, type(self)): raise TypeError("Don't know how to intersect {} and {} instances".format( type(self).__name__, type(other).__name__)) return type(self)(self.signature, ( x for x in self._intersect(other) ))
def _intersect(self, other): sindex = 0 oindex = 0 while sindex < len(self) and oindex < len(other): subword, comparison = detailed_comparison(self[sindex], other[oindex]) if subword: if comparison == 1: yield self[sindex] sindex += 1 self, other = other, self sindex, oindex = oindex, sindex elif comparison == -1: yield other[oindex] oindex += 1 else: yield self[sindex] sindex += 1 oindex += 1 else: if comparison == 1: oindex += 1 else: sindex += 1
[docs] def __invert__(self): """The complement. again it only works on a sorted list of leaves. >>> X = CantorSubset((2, 1), "01 1010 11".split()) >>> print(~X) [00, 100, 1011] >>> print(~CantorSubset((2, 1), [])) [<entire Cantor set>] >>> print(~CantorSubset((2, 1), ["x1"])) [] >>> X = random_generators(cls=CantorSubset, signature=(2,1)) >>> X.sort(); >>> comp = ~X >>> print(X & comp) [] >>> X.extend(comp); X.simplify() >>> print(X) [<entire Cantor set>] """ assert self.signature.alphabet_size == 1 return type(self)(self.signature, ( Word(x, self.signature) for x in self._complement() ))
def _complement(self): #def print(*args, **kwargs): pass if len(self) == 0: yield "x1" return needle = [1] #the root x1 index = 0 while index < len(self): target = self[index] subword, comparison = detailed_comparison(needle, target) #print("needle:", format_cantor(needle), "target:", format_cantor(target), "subword:", subword, "comparison:", comparison) if subword and comparison == -1: #needle strictly above word #print("attempting to add on zeroes") extend_zeroes(needle, target) #print("extended needle:", format_cantor(needle), "target:", format_cantor(target)) if len(target) == len(needle): #print("extended needle same length as target") comparison = 0 else: assert len(target) > len(needle) #print("extended needle shorter than target, adding a zero") needle.append(-1) #print("extra zero on needle:", format_cantor(needle)) subword = False comparison = -1 if subword and comparison == 0: needle == target #print("needle == target\n===DON'T YIELD") needle = next_leaf(needle) index += 1 #print("next target, next needle") elif not subword and comparison == -1: #print("needle not above target") #print("===YIELD ", format_cantor(needle)) yield needle needle = next_leaf(needle) #print("next needle", format_cantor(needle)) else: raise Exception("This shouldn't happen. Design your algorithm more carefully next time David!") #print("bottom of loop") while needle is not None: yield needle needle = next_leaf(needle)
def extend_zeroes(needle, target): start = len(needle) index = start while index < len(target) and (target[index] == -1): #alpha 1 needle.append(-1) index += 1 return index - start def next_leaf(letters): while True: if len(letters) == 1 and letters[0] > 0: #root return None elif letters[-1] == -1: # should be > -arity here letters[-1] = -2 return letters else: del letters[-1]
[docs]def detailed_comparison(self, other): """Returns a tuple *(subword, comparison)* of two Booleans. Either one word is a subword of the other or not. In the former case *subword* is ``True``, otherwise *subword* is ``False``. In both cases we can decide if *self* is lexicographically smaller than *other*. If so, *comparison* is ``-1``. If they are equal, *comparison* is ``0``; if *self* is larger than *other* then *comparison* is ``1``. >>> for thing in ["0 00", "001 00", "101 101", "0 1", "11 00"]: ... thing = thing.split() ... s = Word(thing[0], (2, 1)) ... o = Word(thing[1], (2, 1)) ... print(*detailed_comparison(s, o)) ... True -1 True 1 True 0 False -1 False 1 """ for s, o in zip(self, other): result = cmp(s, o) if result != 0: return ( False, -result ) #If we reach here, the one is a subword of the other return ( True, cmp(len(self), len(other)) )
def cmp(a, b): return (a > b) - (a < b)